Frequently Asked Questions

about Measure M

What is Measure M?
Measure M on the November 5, 2024 ballot, will provide locally controlled funding – without increasing taxes – to upgrade our San Marino Schools, ensuring that they continue to support high student achievement and serve our community well for decades to come. 

Why do we need Measure M? 
Some of our San Marino schools were built over 50 years ago, are aging, and need basic safety and technology updates and repairs. This past year, schools flooded due to heavy rains, and some classrooms didn’t have sufficient heat or air conditioning to support healthy learning spaces. Other infrastructure is past its lifespan, yet limited educational funds must be spent to maintain it. That is why San Marino Unified School District spent over a year working in close collaboration with staff, parents, construction professionals, and our community to develop a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. You can learn more about this plan by visiting:

Do we need Measure M, a local bond, if the state bond passes?

  • The state has placed a School and Community College District Bond, Prop 2, on the ballot for this November.

  • State bonds are not levied against local property values. The state legislature puts state bonds on the ballot as a referendum, requiring majority approval to pass. The principal and interest on the state bonds are paid for by the state's General Fund.  

  • The only way that SMUSD can qualify for matching state funds is by having our own local bond measure.


What projects will Measure M fund?

  • Modernize classrooms, labs, and technology that support college and career readiness

  • Ensure safe drinking water at all schools 

  • Repair or replace leaking roofs, damaged ceilings, outdated electrical, plumbing, and other utility systems

  • Update student safety and security systems


How can I be sure funds from Measure M would be spent as promised?
Measure M includes strict fiscal accountability requirements, including:

  • All funds stay in San Marino Unified schools – the State cannot take one penny 

  • Required independent citizens’ oversight and annual audits 

  • Qualification for state matching funds that will otherwise go to other districts

  • Money cannot be used for administrator or teacher salaries or pensions

  • Provides critical funding without increasing existing taxes, at rates less than competing districts  

Additionally, supporting Measure M could qualify our schools for state matching funds, that without a local source of funding like Measure M would go to other districts.  

What if I don't have children in the local schools?
Supporting Measure M benefits everyone. Whether or not you have school-age children, supporting quality education is a wise investment. Good schools improve the quality of life in our community and protects the value of our homes.


How much will Measure M cost?
Measure M will provide $200 million to make needed repairs, safety updates and modern classrooms and labs to support high-quality instruction in science, technology, engineering, arts and math for all students. Measure M will not raise taxes, but instead extend the current rate previously approved by voters. 

Will all Measure M funds benefit our local schools only?
Yes. All funds generated by Measure M will stay local for San Marino Unified School District schools only and cannot be taken away by the State.

Will funds from Measure M be used for administrator salaries and pensions? 
No. By law, no funds from Measure M can be used for operating expenses, including administrator salaries and pensions.


How many votes does Measure M need to pass?
In order to pass, Measure M must be supported by 55% of those who cast a vote on the measure in the November election. It is critical we all take the time to vote YES in this election to maintain high-quality San Marino local schools.


When can we vote on Measure M?
The measure will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot. All registered voters in the San Marino Unified School District will receive a ballot in the mail in early October. You may cast your ballot by mail in this election, place it in a drop box, or vote in-person at a designated vote center. As soon as you receive your ballot, please vote YES on M, follow the instructions to sign and date the outer envelope and place it in the mail or deliver your ballot right away.


How can I ensure I’m registered to vote on this critical issue?
You can register to vote at To find out more about voting in this election, please contact the Los Angeles County Registrar of voters at or by calling (800) 851-2666.  Your vote for Measure M ensures all students in San Marino Unified have the safe and modern schools they deserve.  


How can I get involved or learn more about Measure M?
Our campaign is a grassroots organization of parents, teachers and other community leaders dedicated to passing Measure M for local students. Some ways you can help pass Measure M include donating to the campaign, displaying a YES on M lawn sign at your home and adding your name to our list of Measure M supporters!